Sunday, February 22, 2009

One Month Update

Tripp turned one month old on Friday!! It really does go by so fast. The past month has had its good days and not so good...I guess that's to be expected though. Overall, he is such a good little baby. He only cries when he is getting his diaper changed, ready to eat, getting tired or in the bath. At night he lays down really well...he has been giving us a five hour sleep too the past few nights...yeah!! During the day, sometimes he is a little harder to lay down. He gets gas and it makes him uncomfortable. Thankfully, Walker was gassy too and we know that this phase is only temporary!

Walker has been such a great big brother! He gives hugs and kisses, helps me go get things and always includes Tripp's name now when he talks about our family! It is amazing to see how in just one month, Walker has completely taken him in and can't remember life before Tripp! My emotions are getting better each day, but I have had to work through lots of guilty feelings regarding not being able to just "BE" with Walker and play and snuggle like I would before Tripp. We make an effort everyday to give that one on one time, but it is definitely different now and harder! We hope and pray that we are giving each of our boys what they need to thrive and feel loved and secure.
Hope you enjoy the pictures...

Tripp has begun smiling...this makes being tired so worth it!!

Tummy Time!

Both boys all clean...Walker had his shower and Tripp his bath!

Brotherly precious!

Tripp and the family at Old Hickory Country Club for Tripp's one month birthday dinner and Uncle Dustin's Birthday.


Anonymous said...

SO CUTE! I can't believe how big he has gotten since my visit. Love you guys!

Unknown said...

Hi!It's a month or so late but Congratulations! Tripp is so cute and Walker is so handsome. Looks like Tripp is a hit w/the family and his big bro. Love the blog as a way of keeping up w/the Dennings.
Best wishes from Buddy & Denise