Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 2008

We have much to share about our Christmas this year so I thought I would just combine it all and tell you what all the pictures are. The pictures begin a few weeks before Christmas and then you will see our Christmas morning! We had a blessed Christmas...we truly do have so much to be thankful for! We hope all of our friends and family had a wonderful holiday season as well!!!

December 14...we had Christmas Brunch at Old Hickory Country Club and got to see Santa! That's all we did too...was look at Santa. Walker did not really want to have anything to do with Santa. We knew he probably wouldn't want to meet him, eventhough this year he really was excited about Santa coming. When the moment came to actually meet him, Walker wasn't quite ready!! Maybe next year:)

Walker at the Christmas Brunch playing with his friends after Santa left!
Chloe, Walker, Brooks and Lucille

December 19...we went to the Grinch on ICE! at Opryland with my parents, Nanny and Papa. I walked through with them for a little while, but then had to go find a seat somewhere and get off my feetand out of the COLD!! They had a good time, despite the frigid temps!! Afterward we had lunch at the Aquarium Restaurant and went to the was a good day.

Christmas morning...Walker playing with his new SmartCycle that his Godfather, Ronnie, got for him.

Christmas morning playing with his workbench goggles!! Too funny!!

A Denning self-photo...MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

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