Thursday, November 5, 2009

Tripp: 7, 8 and 9 Month Photo

Well, I'm obviously a little behind in downloading photos! Below are Trippy's 7, 8 and 9 month pictures. Tripp is now almost 10 months old and is such a sweet, happy boy. It is a fun time right now that I am trying to cherish and savor. Everything is going well...he is eating like a horse, sleeping great (although he is an early riser...ugghh!), and adores his big brother! He makes the funniest gasping sound when he gets really excited. We are still not crawling. He is SO close...will get on his hands and knees and rock and go backwards, just hasn't quite grasped going forward yet! I would say the challenge we are experiencing right now is the Mommy separation anxiety. He definitely loves his mommy and LOVES to be held! He will do just fine with anyone if I am not in eye sight, but if those little eyes see me....well, he wants me. A normal phase and it will pass.

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