I can't believe it has been three months! Our little guy is getting so big! I just love watching him laugh and smile...he is truly a happy baby! Now, some of you have said that Tripp looks like Walker and some of you can't really tell...well, I have included below a picture of Walker when he was also three months and you tell me? Wow!!! I think they look almost identical...it is amazing the similarity!! We are about to get Tripp's 3 month professional pictures done, when we do, I will post and compare again our two boys!!
Tripp...3 months (above)
Walker...3 months (below)

What a happy boy!!! The past three months have definitely had ups and downs, but I can honestly say it is absolutely wonderful! We have a beautiful family and are extremely blessed. Tripp's little personality is showing more and more and as you can see from above, he is having a good time with his new family! He smiles, laughs, coos and kicks! He keeps us entertained. He loves bath night! You should see him kick and splash in the water...sometimes it startles me how strong his little legs are!! Nightime is going well. He goes to bed anywhere from 7 to 7:30 and sleeps until 4:00. We feed him then and he is right back to sleep until about 6:30!! We can't complain!! One night he went all the way until 5:30!! But, honestly, I think I like feeding him at 4am because then he sleeps until 6:30am!! When he slept until 5:30, he was ready to start his day....ughh! We have to thank daddy too because he rotates nights with me for the feeding!! What an awesome dad!! Tripp is taking three naps a day and one little catnap in the late afternoon around dinnertime. It is hard to get out a lot right now because he does nap so much and I am a stickler for my schedule and don't like to interfere with his naps!! It is really neat to see how he has fully adapted into a schedule and his little body repeats the same steps every single day like clockwork!!