Monday, October 27, 2008

It's Getting Cold Outside!!

It is expected to get down in the low 30's tonight and soooo, I could not resist breaking out the footy pajamas!!! They are not the most cooperative PJ's when it comes to going potty, but Walker LOVES them! He will occasionally ask for his footy PJ's in the heat of summer! We were taking a bath tonight and I told him he could wear his footies and he was jumping out of the bathtub to put on his footy PJ's...oh to be 3 again!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

A Day at the Pumpkin Patch!

This Saturday Walker's godmother, Stephanie, and her girls visited and we went to the pumpkin patch! It was a gorgeous day. They had lots of fun stuff to do. The kids got to see, pet and feed farm animals. They had a toddler maze that they loved! Of course, we went on a hayride and we finished the day with picking out pumpkins and had a picnic in the shade!

Walker with Sydney and Finley...forever friends!

Daddy even went with us! For those of you who know DJ, it was a football Saturday...what a good daddy!!!

The goats were very hungry!

There were lots of animals to watch too!